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Professore Roberto Mastroianni

Roberto Mastroianni is full Professor of European Union law at the University "Federico II" in Naples, Italy, where he also teaches Information Law.

He graduated in Law at the University of Florence, Italy (1987), and holds a Ph.D. in European Law from the University of Bologna (1991) as well as a LL.M. from the Dickinson School of Law in Carlisle (PA), USA (1992). He specialized in International Copyright Law and in European Mass Media Law at the Universities of Geneva, Amsterdam and New York (NYLS).

Former Researcher of International Law at the University of Florence (1992-1997), he served as Referendaire at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, in the Cabinets of Advocate General Giuseppe Tesauro and Antonio Saggio (1997-2000).

He practices law in Rome and Naples, and collaborates with several private and public bodies.


Among his publications are a treatise on International copyright Law (Milano, Giuffré, 1997), a book on the reform of Italian Broadcasting Law (Torino, Giappichelli, 2004), a book on the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (2009) as well as several articles and notes on EU Law, International law and Mass media law. He is co-author with Massimo Condinanzi of a treatise on EU procedural law.